Enjoying the Christmas week on La Palma, re-visited after twenty years.
Staying just below the Caldera edge in the suburbs of Los Llanos de Aridane still dominated by banana plantages, we made quite a few excursions by car and by foot all over the island. Re-visiting the it after almost two decades of absence we had to state that it has now much, much better roads, quite a lot of surprisingly luxurious fincas hidden here or there, a thriving and slightly alternative expat scene and fancy restaurants. The traffic lights in Los Llanos came by surprise, but they seem to be necessary now — the traffic is now much higher that 20 years ago, but still nothing to make you nervous. Anyway, La Palma remains my favourite of all the Canaries, still the best one for unstrained hiking, any time of year…
The picture galleries below (the same content, different resolution) illustrate a few trips of a very varios character and from very different parts of the island.
- Gallery (162 images)
Cumbre Nueva :: above Eremita :: Cumbrecita pass above the Riachuelo valley, Caldera ridge behind
Cumbre Nueva :: above Eremita :: Cumbre Vieja volcanoes in sight
Cumbre Nueva :: below the Reventón pass :: Pico Bejenado
Cumbre Nueva :: below the Reventón pass :: the Aridane valley and the ocean
Cumbre Nueva :: the old royal trail (camino real) to the Reventón pass
Cumbre Nueva :: on the Reventón pass
Cumbre Nueva :: Reventón pass :: the view towards the east coast with Santa Cruz de La Palma
Cumbre Nueva :: Llano del Jable :: Montaña Quemada volcano
Cumbre Nueva :: Llano del Jable :: Montaña Quemada
Cumbre Nueva :: Llano del Jable :: Montaña Quemada
Cumbre Nueva :: Llano del Jable :: Looking up to Pico Bregoyo in Cumbre Vieja
Cumbre Nueva :: looking back towards the Cumbre from lowest lava fields down by El Paso
By El Mudo :: Barranco de Domingo Diaz, Cerro the Cerradero
By El Mudo :: the top of Cerro del Cerradero :: looking down to Punta de Rabisca
By El Mudo :: Barranco de Domingo Diaz below
By El Mudo :: high sun-shadow contrasts in the Barranco de Domingo Diaz
By El Mudo :: descending along a rock ledge to the Barranco de Domingo Diaz
By El Mudo :: the overgrown bottom of Barranco de Domingo Diaz
By El Mudo :: slopes of the Barranco de Domingo Diaz
By El Mudo :: Barranco de Domingo Diaz :: climbing the shadowy other slope
By El Mudo :: Barranco de Domingo Diaz :: an overgrown trail
By El Mudo :: Barranco de Domingo Diaz :: traversing out of the canyon
By El Mudo :: Barranco de Domingo Diaz :: traversing out of the canyon
By El Mudo :: Cerro the Cerradero from another side of the Barranco de Domingo Diaz
By El Mudo :: slopes of the coast above the Punta del Mudo
By El Mudo :: Playa de El Mudo by flood
By El Mudo :: The ocean by Punta del Mudo
By El Mudo :: turning towards the Cerro the Cerradero again
El Time :: Aridane valley surounded by the Caldera, Cumbres Nueva and Vieja, Los Llanos below
El Time :: Cubre Vieja and banana plantages coast
El Time :: Tazacorte and the El Hierro island on the horizon
El Time :: Los Llanos zoomed above the Barranco de las Angustias outlet, El Paso behind
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Brigoyo approach :: the far islands of Tenerife and Gomera above the ocean mist
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Brigoyo top marker
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Brigoyo view :: west coast, the Aridane valley, Barranco de las Angustias outlet
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Brigoyo view :: Pico Bejenado and the Caldera de Taburiente behind
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Brigoyo view :: Pico de las Nieves, Cumbre Nueva, Santa Cruz de La Palma on the east coast
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Brigoyo :: Pico de las Nieves, Cumbre Nueva and the white dot of Virgen del Pino
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Brigoyo :: eastern volcanic slopes and the floating Tenerife
Cumbre Vieja :: Montaña la Barquita :: Pico Brigoyo, Pico de las Nieves, Santa Cruz de La Palma
Cumbre Vieja :: Montaña de los Charcas :: the view towards Caldera
Cumbre Vieja :: opposite Pico Nambroque
Cumbre Vieja :: the Hoyo Negro crater
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Nambroque :: Pico Brogoyo and the Caldera behind
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Nambroque :: looking down to the east coast
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Nambroque :: the Gomera island
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Nambroque :: Pico Brigoyo and the Caldera de Taburiente
Cumbre Vieja :: Pico Nambroque :: the top marker
Cumbre Vieja :: descending from Pico Nambroque
Cumbre Vieja :: going back north on the Cumbre ridge
Teneguía :: the inner side of the San Antonio crater
Teneguía :: the Teneguía volcano seen from the San Antonio ridge
Teneguía :: a rainbow inside the San Antonio crater, the village of Fuencaliente behind
Teneguía :: climbing towards the Teneguía volcano, San Antonio crater and annoying water pipes behind
Teneguía :: the view from the top towards Punta de Fuencaliente
Teneguía :: the top marker, the San Antonio volcano behind
Teneguía :: salinas by Punta de Fuencaliente
Teneguía :: the sea by Playa de Zamora
Barranco de la Madera :: Santuario de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves
Barranco de la Madera :: in the upper part
Barranco de la Madera :: the wild canyon bottom
Barranco de la Madera :: the path gets narrower
Barranco de la Madera :: the end of the valley with the still unseen tunnel entrance
Barranco de la Madera :: looking out of a window in the water channel tunnel
Barranco de la Madera :: out of tunels, with headlamps still on
Barranco de la Madera :: descending in pine woods above the Barranco del Rio de las Nieves
Barranco de la Madera :: Barranco del Rio de las Nieves :: the vegetation boundary
Barranco de la Madera :: looking up the Barranco del Rio de las Nieves over a private property fence
Barranco de la Madera :: cactii
Pico Bejenado :: in the slopes above the Aridane valley
Pico Bejenado :: the top ridge high above the Caldera de Taburiente
Pico Bejenado :: the caldera ridge from Roque de los Muchachos to Pico de las Nieves
Pico Bejenado :: resting on the top, Cumbre Vieja behind
Pico Bejenado :: the view towards the cumbrecita pass below and Punta de los Roques above
Pico Bejenado :: the view towards the Barranco de las Angustias outlet with Puerto de Tazacorte
Pico Bejenado :: Cumbre Vieja view, shiny banana plantages, the El Hierro island appears
Pico Bejenado :: the lower part of the Barranco de las Angustias
Pico Bejenado :: La Caldera village on the opposite slopes of the Barranco de las Angustias
Pico Bejenado :: El Rodeo :: Cumbre Nueva, Pico Brigoyo group in the Cumbre Vieja
Pico Bejenado :: El Rodeo :: looking towards the Cumbrecita
Pico Bejenado :: El Rodeo :: looking towards the Aridane valley
Pico Bejenado :: behind El Rodeo :: Punta de los Roques
Pico Bejenado :: behind El Rodeo :: Roque de los Muchachos
Pico Bejenado :: behind El Rodeo :: Caldera ridges
Pico Bejenado :: above Cumbrecita :: Punta de los Roques
Pico Bejenado :: above Cumbrecita :: looking down to the Caldere interior
Pico Bejenado :: taking down the ridge above the Riachuelo valley
Pico Bejenado :: the characteristic Roques de la Cumbrecita
Pico Bejenado :: Mirador de las Chozas :: looking down to the caldera
Pico Bejenado :: Mirador de las Chozas :: the famous Idafe rock
Pico Bejenado :: Cumbrecita :: the sunset
Pico Bejenado :: Cumbrecita :: the moonrise
Los Llanos :: a christmas tree (replacement)
Los Llanos :: a colourful house
Puerto Naos :: coastal architecture version one
El Remo :: coastal architecture version two
Tazacorte :: banana plantations (and museum)
Tazacorte :: a banana promenade
Tazacorte :: a backstreet
Tazacorte :: small houses
Puerto de Tazacorte :: coastal architecture version three
Puerto de Tazacorte :: high coast
Caldera Ridge :: the astronomic observatories by Roque de los Muchachos
Caldera Ridge :: Gran Telescopio Canarias
Caldera Ridge :: Gran Telescopio Canarias
Caldera Ridge :: Gran Telescopio Canarias
Caldera Ridge :: a prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Caldera Ridge :: the ridge trail from Los Andenes towards Roque de los Muchachos
Caldera Ridge :: by Cruz del Fraile
Caldera Ridge :: Roque de los Muchachos :: looking towards Fuente Nueva
Caldera Ridge :: by Fuente Nueva :: clouds get thinner in the caldera
Caldera Ridge :: by Fuente Nueva :: Cumbrecita, Pico Bejenado, Cumbre Vieja behind
Caldera Ridge :: on the trail from Roque de los Muchachos back to Los Andenes
Caldera Ridge :: nearby Los Andenes :: looking towards Roque de los Muchachos
Caldera Ridge :: nearby Los Andenes :: zoomed Pico de las Nieves and surroundings, Tenerife behind
Caldera Ridge :: by Los Andenes :: eastern Caldera ridge
Caldera Ridge :: by Los Andenes :: clouds over the caldera :: far Cumbre Vieja, near Pico Bejenado
Caldera Ridge :: Los Andenes, eastern Caldera ridge
By Las Tricias :: almonds blossoming early
Los Llanos :: preparing the Christmas Eve meal
Los Llanos :: Christmas moods
Los Llanos :: the Calima fog appears, the fine Sahara dust
By Barranco Fagundo :: the forest by Cruz del Gallo
By Barranco Fagundo :: Barranco de Valle
By Barranco Fagundo :: Don Pedro village
By Barranco Fagundo :: a houseyard drago tree
By Barranco Fagundo :: Mirador de la Cabezada :: El Tablado barely seen in the Calima dust haze
By Barranco Fagundo :: Mirador de la Cabezada :: looking up the barranco
By Barranco Fagundo :: Mirador de la Cabezada :: nearer sights
By Barranco Fagundo :: Mirador de la Cabezada
By Barranco Fagundo :: Mirador de la Cabezada :: looking down in the haze to the barranco outlet
By Barranco Fagundo :: marked trail along the barranco edge
By Barranco Fagundo :: approaching Cruz del Gallo
By Barranco Fagundo :: La Zarza :: forrested barrancos with Guanche archeologic sites
By Barranco Fagundo :: La Zarza :: a Guanche house cave with carvings
By Barranco Fagundo :: La Zarza :: Guanche rock carvings
By Barranco Fagundo :: La Zarza :: a Guanche spiral rock carving
By Barranco Fagundo :: in La Zarza
Caldera de Taburiente :: Mirador de los Brecitos
Caldera de Taburiente :: behind Los Brecitos :: looking up the caldera ridge
Caldera de Taburiente :: behind Los Brecitos :: the pine forest
Caldera de Taburiente :: behind Los Brecitos :: looking up the caldera ridge
Caldera de Taburiente :: Lomo de Tagasaste :: the complicated caldera interior
Caldera de Taburiente :: approaching Playa de Taburiente
Caldera de Taburiente :: Playa de Taburiente
Caldera de Taburiente :: south of Playa de Taburienzte :: first clouds appear on the caldera ridge
Caldera de Taburiente :: massive cactii before Somada de El Palo
Caldera de Taburiente :: just behind Somada de El Palo
Caldera de Taburiente :: on the level of the Idafe rock
Caldera de Taburiente :: looking back on the steep trail from Somada de El Palo to Dos Aguas
Caldera de Taburiente :: below the Idafe rock
Caldera de Taburiente :: approaching Dos Aguas
Caldera de Taburiente :: following the yellow stream
Caldera de Taburiente :: following the yellow stream
Caldera de Taburiente :: Cascada de Colores
Caldera de Taburiente :: Cascada de Colores
Caldera de Taburiente :: Cascada de Colores
Caldera de Taburiente :: Cascada de Colores :: Punta de los Roques above the cascade
Caldera de Taburiente :: in the Barranco de las Angustias
Caldera de Taburiente :: in the Barranco de las Angustias
Puerto Tazacore :: El Hierro on the horizon of larger pictures
- Gallery La Palma on pastvoyages.jankowski.org