Schwarzwald, October 2023
Just three days walking with two nights spent at two sites of the Schwarzwald Trekking Camps.
Just three days walking with two nights spent at two sites of the Schwarzwald Trekking Camps.
A week with a small private group in the Beskid Sądecki region, exploring both sides of the Poprad River valley and including a visit to the Małe Pieniny along the way. A spring break in the Carpathians!
Three lazy weeks in Valle Maira in Piemont. First, a week on the middle part of the Percorsi Occitani trail. Then, almost two weeks penetrating side valleys, based in an old Piemontese house.
A week walking around Mt. Kebnekaise in Swedish Lapland. September 2017.
A trek from Tusheti to Khevruseti — or from Omalo to Shatili via Atsunta pass — in the Georgian Caucasus. July 2017.
The Albanian Alps at their finest, in the middle of the summer. Getting there via the Koman Lake. After a loop around the Kolata range, a trek from Valbona Valley over the Jezerce Lakes to Theti in Kelmend. August 2013.
Trekking through two beautiful ranges of southern Carpathians in Romania, Parâng and Retezat. Mountaneous Transilvania at its best, I suppose. August 2012.
A summer trip to the somehow exceptional Maramureș in three parts. A trek through the Munții Rodnei, thorough sightseeing in the Maramureș valley proper, and a trek along the border in the Munții Maramureșului. Romania, July/August 2011.
A weekend spent climbing Balmhorn via Zackengrat in Bernese Alps based in Schwarenbach above Kandersteg. September 2010.
The Transilvanian Alps: A tough but very rewarding route strictly along the main ridge of Munții Făgărașului in the southern Carpathians. Just five of us, two tents, eight days on the high ridge. July/August 2010.
Yes I admit, it was just an idea of mine… A short trek in the central and then the remote eastern part of Nízke Tatry in Slovakia, unfortunately still affected through large areas of trees broken by a strong hurricane a few years ago. We have managed, but it was partially very disappointing. Closed the loop in Liptovský Ján. June 2007.
Taking the advantage of that time newly introduced border crossings for mountain tourists between Slovakia and Poland, we have joined a group from a hiking club on the border, just to leave them to follow our own route further on. A typical Beskid Niski tour, forests and meadows, low hills, empty valleys, wooden churches, the first world war cemeteries. Re-discovering Bardejov and its surroundings. April/May 2006.