A short spontaneous family Christmas trip to Mauritius, the neighbour island to La Réunion in the Indian Ocean. We spent a week in a small typical Creole house in Chamarel in the southern mountains and then a few nights in a hotel in Le Morne, directly on the southeastern coast of the island.
We made quite a few excursions with a hired small car, visiting waterfalls, view points, botanic gardens, churches, temples, sugar cane, vanilla and tea plantages, rum destilleries, hotels and beaches. We managed also to make two hikes, climbing Piton de la Petite Rivière Noire in the thick rainforest bush and the famous mountain Le Morne Brabant towering over the southwestern coasts.
Our travel back was seriously disturbed by Calvinia, the cyclone, which surprisingly developed itself into a small in size, but serious one and passed just nearby the eastern shores of the island. She caused not only bad weather, but also a formal and oficial cyclone warning followed by a partial disruption of services, exactly at the date our flights were scheduled. Two of us left with one of the very last flights, but one has to remain on the island two nights longer…
A timeline of pictures from the trip: Gallery (184 images)
Chamarel :: our stay by St. Anne Church, the backyard
Chamarel :: by the neighbours
Grande Rivière Noire :: La Preneuse :: the old Black River Post Office building
Grande Rivière Noire :: a banyan tree by the post office
Grande Rivière Noire :: the canon on the top of the Martello Tower
Baie de la Grande Rivière Noire
On the road by Flic-en-Flac
West coast Wolmar Beach
Wolmar Beach :: Baie du Tamarin, Tourelle de Tamarin
Wolmar Beach
Wolmar Beach :: Baie du Tamarin, Le Morne Brabant behind
Wolmar Beach :: a storm cloud far in the ocean
Sugar cane fields by Tamarin :: Mauritian Matterhorn -- Mantagnes du Rempar
La Crête by Chamarel :: the view to Baie du Grande et du Petite Rivière Noire, Tourelle de Tamarin
Souillac :: Gris Gris Beach
The south coast road by Pointe aux Roches in the sun
The south coast Riambel Beach by Pointe aux Roches
Pointe aux Roches :: on a hotel pier
Pointe aux Roches :: a seducing pavillon :: take one [iPhone]
Pointe aux Roches :: a seducing pavillon :: take two [Nikon]
Pointe aux Roches :: an example how not to make a selfie
Pointe aux Roches :: a hotel passageway
Pointe aux Roches :: palms
Pointe aux Roches :: trees
The south coast road by Pointe aux Roches :: meanwhile, in the interior, the sugar cane grows
Bel Ombre :: Anse St. Martin :: Trevessa Monument
Maconde :: the view east to Anse St. Martin
Maconde :: the cap rock view :: Baie du Cap
A beach east of Le Morne Village
A beach east of Le Morne Village :: wading along the coast
Cascade Chamarel
Cascade Chamarel :: forest by the waterfall
Chamarel :: Terres de Sept Couleurs
Chamarel :: Terres de Sept Couleurs
Chamarel :: Terres de Sept Couleurs
Chamarel :: a bored turtle
On the way to Mahébourg
Mahébourg :: National History Museum, ex Chateâu de Robillard
Mahébourg :: Museum :: Comte de Malartie, the governor who did NOT implement 1796 the decree freeing the slaves of Maritius
Mahébourg :: Museum :: A fragment of the wreck of Magicienne, a British frigate
Mahébourg :: Île Mouchoir Rouge, the red handkerchief island, the sign to call the doctor who lived there
Mahébourg :: explanation of the naval battle of Grand Port, 1810, the French(!) won
Mahébourg :: a typical chapel nerby the market
Mahébourg :: market
Blue Bay by Mahébourg :: Sunday picknicking
Tookay Temple :: by the entrance
Tookay Temple :: interior
Tookay Temple :: the temple garden
Tookay Temple :: the main tower
By Chamarel :: view south into the valley leading to Bel Ombre
By Chamarel :: rainforest
By Chamarel :: rainforest
By Chamarel :: Piton Canot
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: lotusses by the entrance
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: Chateau de Mon Plaisir
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: ferns pavillon
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: ferns pavillon
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: snails hiding
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: the lotus pond
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: lotuses in all development stadiums
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: lotus zoomed
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: Bassin des Nénuphars
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: Bassin des Nénuphars
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: high palms
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: high palms
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: high palms
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: strange but beautiful
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: baobabs
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: baobab take one
Pamplemousses Botanical Gardens :: baobab take two
Trou aux Biches :: Beach
Trou aux Biches -- Triolet :: Maheswarnath Temple
Cap Malheureux :: Notre Dame Auxiliatrice
Cap Malheureux :: Notre Dame Auxiliatrice :: interior
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: trail start marker
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: low rain forest on the ridge
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: a seldom lookout by Piton St. Denis
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: a seldom lookout by Piton St. Denis
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: the panoramic view south
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: top :: the upper gorge of Rivière Noire, Montagne Cocotte
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: top :: the ridge along which we came here
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: top :: the coast by Bel Obre, Chamarel village, Piton du Fouge
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: top :: Chamarel village, Piton du Fouge & Canot, Le Morne Brabant, La Gaulette village
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: top :: Le Morne Brabant, La Gaulette village, Île aux Bénitiers
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: top :: Le Morne Brabant
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: the panoramic view north
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: top :: Tourette du Tamarin by the coast, the further ridge
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: top :: the further ridge
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: top :: lower gorge of Rivière Noire
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: top :: the panoramic view south towards Chamarel and Le Morne
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: it is time to descend
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: the washed-out steep trail by the top
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: the washed-out top trail ropes
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: happy after the descent, back in the bush
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: thick ridge rain forest bush
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: a seldom lookout to the Chamarel side, Piton du Fouge and Piton Canot, between them Le Morne Brabant
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: continuing in the bush...
Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire :: some rocks as the only attraction
Gorges Viewpoint :: Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire ridge
Gorges Viewpoint :: Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire ridge
Gorges Viewpoint :: Rivière Noire gorges, Montagnes du Rempart behind
Gorges Viewpoint :: Rivière Noire gorges, Montagnes du Rempart behind, zoomed
Gorges Viewpoint :: Rivière Noire Falls
Gorges Viewpoint :: residing monkey
Alexandra Falls
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: the huge Parvati statue
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: one of the temples by the lake
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: statues along the lake promenade
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: statues along the lake promenade
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: some much older sculptures, Nagas?
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: sculpture detail
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: offerings by the lingam in the temple
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: offerings
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: a small lingam just by the shore
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: the lake promedade
Grand Bassin :: Ganga Talao Temple :: humble and simple
Pointe aux Roches :: the beach
Pointe aux Roches :: the ocean
St. Aubin Plantage :: the road by St. Aubin
St. Aubin Plantage :: arrived at the main house
St. Aubin Plantage :: the manicured garden
St. Aubin Plantage :: the vanilla harvesting season is unfortunately over
St. Aubin Plantage :: the vanilla shop sign
St. Aubin Plantage :: buying vanilla
St. Aubin Plantage :: the house
By Bois Chéri :: tea plantages 500m above sea level
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: crowds by the frontyard
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: sugar cane delivery in the backyard
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: cane processing machinery
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: the gardens
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: the poshy pool
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: destillery
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: destillery
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: degustation area
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: degustation
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: the product palette
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: the proud destillery logo
Rhumerie de Chamarel :: leaving the rum in the barrels to age in peace
Le Morne :: Riu Le Morne hotel beach
Le Morne :: Riu Le Morne hotel beach
Le Morne :: Pointe Sud Ouest beach
Le Morne :: St. Regis Mauritius Resort beach
Le Morne :: LUX Le Morne Resort compounds
Le Morne :: LUX Le Morne Resort compounds
Le Morne :: LUX Le Morne Resort compounds :: Le Morne Brabant above
Le Morne :: LUX Le Morne Resort compounds
Le Morne :: LUX Le Morne Resort compounds
Le Morne :: St. Regis Mauritius Resort beach
Le Morne :: sneaking silently for the dinner
Le Morne Brabant :: the trail starting point, note the Creole language
Le Morne Brabant :: the top at last in sight
Le Morne Brabant :: examining the climbing route, the cross is on the pointed rock in the middle of the left sloping ridge
Le Morne Brabant :: first views towards the south coast, Îlot Fourneau
Le Morne Brabant :: the west side, too :: Île aux Bénitiers in the middle
Le Morne Brabant cross
Le Morne Brabant cross :: looking towards the unreachable top proper
Le Morne Brabant cross :: the view of the sothern lagoon with
Le Morne Brabant cross :: Le Morne Peninsula, Passe de La Prairie opening in the lagoon
Le Morne Brabant cross :: Riu hotels area
Le Morne Brabant cross :: Îlot Fourneau and the Chameau kite surfing site
Le Morne Brabant cross :: Îlot Fourneau in the middle of the southern lagoon
slideshow image Le Morne Brabant cross :: the view towards Chamarel :: Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire, Piton Canot, Piton de Fouge
Le Morne Brabant cross :: the western lagoon in front of La Gaulette, Île aux Bénitiers, Piton de La Petite Rivière Noire, Piton Canot
Le Morne Brabant :: climbing down, reached the bush
Le Morne Brabant :: looking back
Le Morne Brabant :: old tamarind trees
Le Morne Brabant :: an old tamarind tree detail
Le Morne Brabant :: an old tamarind tree
Le Morne Brabant :: leaving the trail
Le Morne Peninsula Chameau site, kite surfing in the wind of arriving Calvinia cyclone
Le Morne :: the cyclone Calvinia clouds arriving
Le Morne :: the cyclone Calvinia is almost there
Le Morne :: Calvinia has arrived
Le Morne :: facing the cyclone
The south coast road by Pointe aux Roches in the rain
The airport :: the cyclone Calvinia strikes :: is our flight scheduled?
The airport :: the cyclone Calvinia strikes
The airport :: the last flight before the airport closure, it pours
The airport :: Starting in the Calvinia cyclone wind
The Calvinia cyclone weather forecasts: Gallery (7 images)
Eumetsat Meteo France
Satellite (1)
windy.com forecast
WeatherPro forecast
yr.no forecast
Satellite (2)