Before embarking one of the Hurtigruten ships we spent a week in a typically Norwegian house by one of the furthest branches of the Sognefjorden by Marifjøra, making trips around the area. However, the gallery of pictures includes also our trip via Oslo up there, impressions of Bergen as the start and end point of the Hurtigruten voyage as well as our trip back to Oslo through Hardangervidda.
Gallery (278 images)
Ferry from Travemünde to Malmö :: passing the Öresundbrücke in the first daylight
Oslo :: the brand new MUNCH museum
Oslo :: MUNCH museum :: the monumental pictures room
Oslo :: MUNCH museum :: one of the versions of the famous SCREAM
Oslo :: MUNCH museum :: the self-portrait with brushes
Oslo :: MUNCH museum :: rain outside
Oslo :: MUNCH museum :: the Olslofjorden view
Oslo :: MUNCH museum :: the view towards the opera
Oslo :: MUNCH museum :: the view towards the barcode quarter
Oslo :: MUNCH museum :: the view towards the barcode quarter
Oslo :: the slippery marble of the opera walk-on roof
Oslo :: the opera :: interior
On the way to Sogn :: a rainy day
On the way to Sogn :: Fagernes church
Lomen stave church
Lomen stave church :: cemetery
Lomen stave church :: the door
Lomen stave church :: the door :: the lock
Lomen stave church :: engravings by the door
Lomen stave church
Borgund stave church
Borgund stave church
Borgund stave church
Borgund stave church :: the door
Borgund stave church :: reliefs above the entrance
Borgund stave church :: reliefs above the entrance
Borgund stave church :: entering
Borgund stave church :: the roof construction
Borgund stave church :: the altar
Borgund stave church :: the roof construction
Borgund stave church ::: the roof tiles
Borgund stave church :: the cemetery and the visitor centre
Borgund stave church
Borgund stave church :: the visitor centre
Fodnes-Manheller ferry
Marifjøra :: Gaupnefjorden, Feigumfossen behind
Marifjøra house :: our basecamp
Marifjøra house :: our basecamp
Marifjøra house :: installing ourselves
Marifjøra house :: installing ourselves
Marifjøra house :: the view from a window
Bøyabreen :: approach road
Bøyabreen :: glacier fall
Bøyabreen :: Brevatnet
Bøyabreen :: glacier fall
Bøyabreen :: Brevatnet
Suphellebreen over Suphelledalen
Fjærland :: Bremuseum
Fjærland :: Bremuseum :: Bøyadalen entrance :: a lone robot
Fjærlandsfjorden :: a selfie
Solvorn :: Walaker Hotell
Solvorn :: the shop
Solvorn :: a house...
Solvorn :: houses
Solvorn :: houses
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: leaving Solvorn
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: only one car this time
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: leaving Solvorn :: Walaker Hotell behind
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: leaving Solvorn :: Urnes in sight
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: leaving Solvorn
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: leaving Solvorn
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: leaving Solvorn
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: leaving Solvorn
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: course Urnes
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: Lustrafjorden
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: approaching Urnes
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: Lustrafjorden outlet
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: Lustrafjorden top, Mt Molden to the left
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: approaching Urnes
Solvorn-Urnes ferry :: arriving at Urnes vel Ornes :: Lustrafjorden top behind
Urnes stave church
Urnes stave church
Urnes stave church :: the cemetery
Urnes stave church :: looking over Lustrafjorden towards Solvorn (the ferry is almost there)
Urnes stave church :: the cemetery
Urnes stave church
Urnes stave church :: the woodcarvings
Urnes stave church :: the woodcarvings
Urnes stave church :: the entrance
Urnes stave church :: the interior
Urnes stave church :: the interior
Urnes stave church :: the interior
Urnes stave church :: looking up
Urnes stave church :: below the crucifix
Urnes stave church :: the old style crucifix
Urnes stave church :: the altar
Urnes stave church :: looking up
Urnes stave church :: the column capitels
Urnes stave church :: a coat of arms on one of the capitels
Urnes stave church :: the old style crucifix
Lustrafjorden :: Skjolden
Fortunsdalen :: Åsafossen waterfall
Tindevegen :: Hurrungane of Jotunheimen
Tindevegen :: Ringsdalen, a small waterfall
Tindevegen :: the view over the Fortunsdaten towards Breheimen
Tindevegen :: the view over the Fortunsdaten towards Breheimen, zoomed
Tindevegen :: Sognefjell, Fannaråken
Tindevegen :: the view towards Sognefjell
Tindevegen :: Sognefjell, Fannaråken
Tindevegen :: looking towards Fortundalen :: Jostedalsbreen far behind
Tindevegen :: over Berdalen :: Soleibotn- and Austabotntindane of the Hurrungane, a part of Jotunheimen
Tindevegen :: over Berdalen
Tindevegen :: over Berdalen :: Soleibotn- and Austabotntindane of the Hurrungane, a part of Jotunheimen
Tindevegen :: upper Berdalen
Tindevegen :: driving down Fardalen to Øvre Årdal
Årdalsfjorden :: aproaching the ferry
Fodnes-Manheller ferry again
Fodnes-Manheller ferry :: the other boat
Fodnes-Manheller ferry :: the other boat
Fodnes-Manheller ferry :: Årdalsfjorden
By Marifjøra :: at the Lustrefjorden shore
By Marifjøra :: at the Lustrefjorden shore
Marifjøra house :: a rainy day at home :: the kitchen window
Marifjøra house :: a rainy day at home
Marifjøra house :: a rainy day at home :: the Gaupne- and Lustrafjorden junction
Marifjøra house :: a rainy day at home :: Nes on the opposite side of the Gaupnefjorden
Marifjøra house :: a rainy day at home :: Nes on the opposite side of the Gaupnefjorden
Marifjøra house :: Gaupnefjorden :: misty moods
Marifjøra house :: Nes peninsula, Lustrafjorden :: misty moods
Marifjøra house :: Lustrafjorden :: Feigumfossen in the cloud window
Marifjøra house :: Nes peninsula, Lustrafjorden :: low, low clouds
Marifjøra house :: the window view
Marifjøra house :: Nes peninsula, Lustrafjorden :: low, low clouds
Marifjøra house :: Lustrafjorden :: Feigumfossen in the cloud window
Lustrafjorden :: Mannheller -- Fondnes ferry again
Aurlandsfjellet :: a lake by Snøvegen
Aurlandsfjellet :: a lake by Snøvegen
Aurlandsfjellet :: a lake by Snøvegen
Aurlandsfjellet :: a lake by Snøvegen
Aurlandsfjellet :: a lake by Snøvegen
Aurlandsfjellet :: Snøvegen :: towards Aurlandsfjorden
Aurlandsfjellet :: Snøvegen reaches vegetation :: approaching Aurlandsfjorden
Aurlandsfjellet :: Snøvegen reaches the tree line :: towards Aurlandsfjorden
Aurlandsfjorden :: Flenjaegga
Stegastein viewpoint :: the Aurlandsfjorden in the wide view
Stegastein viewpoint :: the Aurlandsfjorden and the Aurland town below
Stegastein viewpoint :: the obligatory selfie
Stegastein viewpoint :: the Aurlandsfjorden upper part
Stegastein viewpoint :: the Aurlandsfjorden and the Aurland town below
Stegastein viewpoint :: the Aurlandsfjorden
Stegastein viewpoint :: the Aurland town below
Stegastein viewpoint :: the Aurland town zoomed
Aurlandsfjorden :: approaching Aurland, Flåm behind
Aurlandsfjorden :: the lower part
Aurlandsfjorden :: the lower part zoomed
Aurland :: the church
Aurland :: after season
Aurland :: at the promenade
Aurland :: finding a perfect picnic place
Aurland :: a perfect picnic place
Aurland :: a waterfall opposite the perfect picnic place
Aurland :: a happy girl
Aurland :: low season
Aurland :: drying fish?
Flåm :: a summer house group
Flåm :: the famous train locomotive
Flåm :: the famous train station
Undredal :: the stave church
Undredal :: the stave church
Undredal :: the village by the Aurlandsfjorden
Undredal :: the fjord panorama
Undredal :: on the pier looking northwest
Undredal :: on the pier looking southeast
Stalheimskleiva disappointment
Stalheimskleiva in the rain
Stalheimskleiva in the rain
Towards Vikafjellet
Vik with a visiting criuse ship (Aida)
Vik with a visiting criuse ship (Aida)
Vik :: the old romanesque church
Vik :: the stave church
Vik :: the stave church
Vik :: the stave church
Vik :: the stave church entrance
Vik :: the stave church
Vik :: the visiting cruise ship
Sognefjorden :: Vangsnes -- Hella ferry
Sognefjorden :: Vangsnes -- Hella ferry
Bergen :: Vågen :: Rosenkrantztårnet, Brygge
Bergen :: Vågen top
Bergen :: Vågen :: Brygge and towers of Mariakirken
Bergen :: Fisketorget
Bergen :: Fisketorget
Bergen :: Fisketorget
Bergen :: Brygge roofs seen from Øvregaten
Bergen :: Brygge seen from Øvregaten
Bergen :: Klingesmauet
Bergen :: Klingesmauet :: one of the selfies
Bergen :: Klingesmauet
Bergen :: Klingesmauet
Bergen :: Bryggen
Bergen :: Bryggen
Bergen :: Bryggen
Bergen :: Bryggen :: sewers cover
Bergen :: Bryggen
Bergen :: Bryggen
Bergen :: Bryggen :: the bayside
Bergen :: Engen street by the theatre
Bergen :: Sverres gate :: graffiti
Bergen :: Nøstet :: St. Hansstredet
Bergen :: Nøstet :: Borgesmauet (our stay)
Bergen :: Jekteviksterminalen of Hurtigruten :: M/S Richard With
Bergen :: approaching the harbour and town from the sea
Bergen :: the view into Vågen bay -- the city old centre
Bergen :: the view into Vågen bay -- the city old centre
Bergen :: the view into Vågen bay -- the city old centre
Bergen :: Nornes peninsula with Akvariet and Nordnes Sjøbad
Bergen :: Jekteviksterminalen of Hurtigruten and Nydnes quarter
Bergen :: Nøstebukten :: Jekteviksterminalen of Hurtigruten and Fjordline
Bergen :: Nøstet area and Nøstebukten with Jekteviksterminalen of Hurtigruten and Fjordline
Bergen :: Jekteviksterminalen of Hurtigruten and Fjordline
Bergen :: Nøstet area
Bergen :: Nøstet area with Nøstebukten
Bergen :: Nøstebukten area
Bergen :: Jekteviksterminalen of Hurtigruten
Bergen :: Nøstet area
Bergen :: Fjordline ferry
Bergen :: Jekteviksterminalen of Hurtigruten
Bergen :: houses on the slope above the center
Bergen :: Nostelkaien
Bergen :: Nøstebukten top
Bergen :: Nøstet :: Skottegaten
Bergen :: Nøstet :: Skottegaten, heading to Nordnes
Bergen :: Nøstet :: Skottegaten, looking towards the Hurtigruten terminal
Bergen :: Nøstet :: Skottegaten, looking towards the Hurtigruten terminal
Bergen :: Nøstet :: Skottegaten, heding towards Nordnes
Bergen :: Nøstet :: Skottegaten, one of the side streets
Bergen :: Nordnes :: Skottegaten turns to Nordre Strangehagen
Bergen :: Nordnes :: Verftsmauet and Verftsbakken
Bergen :: Nordnes
Bergen :: by Korskirken
Vøringsfossen :: the Bjoreio river canyon in Måbødalen
Vøringsfossen :: Måbødalen and mountains over Eidfjorden, Ovaldsnuten
Vøringsfossen :: the Bjoreio river canyon
Vøringsfossen :: the Bjoreio river canyon
Vøringsfossen :: the waterfall and the Bjoreio river canyon
Vøringsfossen :: the smaller waterfall on the northern canyon side
Vøringsfossen :: the Bjoreio river
Vøringsfossen :: the plateau above the waterfall with a visitors park in construction
Vøringsfossen :: Måbødalen, Bjoreio canyon and far mountains over Eidfjorden, Ovaldsnuten
Vøringsfossen :: a new view platform in construction
Vøringsfossen :: the waterfall junction
Vøringsfossen :: the main waterfall itself
Vøringsfossen :: the lowest part of the main waterfall
Vøringsfossen :: the main waterfall
Vøringsfossen :: the waterfall and the Bjoreio river canyon
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: Bjoreio nearby Krossdalen
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: Bjoreio nearby Krossdalen
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: by Dyranut
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: by Dyranut
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: between Krossdalen and Dyranut
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: by Dyranut
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: by Skiftessjøen
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: by Skiftessjøen
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: Skiftessjøen :: far Hallingskarvet massif appears
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: by Skiftessjøen :: far Hallingskarvet massif appears
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: Halnefjorden
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: by Krækja
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: nearby Lægreidsvatnet
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: down to Haugastøl :: Hallingskarvet massif dominates the horizon
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: Ustevatnet in sight :: Hallingskarvet in its full beauty
Hardangervidda via Rv7 :: descending to Haugastøl :: Hallingskarvet wall
Oslo :: Nasjonalmuseet
Oslo :: Nasjonalmuseet :: Trolls in the East of the Sun and West of the Moon exhibition
Oslo :: Nasjonalmuseet :: A troll by Thoedor Kittelsen
Oslo :: Nasjonalmuseet :: Christening in the Tanum church by Harriet Backer
Oslo :: Nasjonalmuseet :: Portrait of Mari Clasen by Halfdan Egedius
Oslo :: Nasjonalmuseet :: Piranesi Imaginary Prisons, Le Carceri d'Invenzione
Oslo :: Nasjonalmuseet :: it is time to exit
Motorway E6 :: heading south, Oslo -- Göteborg
Ferry from Malmö to Travemünde :: leaving the harbour
Two hikes by foot in excellent sunny weather (the very end of September!) are treated separately.
- Molden, an unsurprising mountain with a superb round view over the area of Sognefjorden and its surroundings. Situated just above our hired house, an obvious choice for a sunny day.
Gallery (45 images)Molden ascent :: Skjødnaklanten lookout over Indre Hafslo :: looking north towards Jostedalsbreen
Molden ascent :: getting above the tree line, Hafslo valley behind
Molden ascent :: between Skjødnaklanten and Svarthiller :: the first view of Lustrafjorden
Molden ascent :: Svarthiller :: Lustrafjorden view
Molden ascent :: Svarthiller :: Lustrefjorden with Urnes in the middle
Molden ascent :: over Svarthiller :: looking towards Eikjaberg and Hafslo
Molden ascent :: over Svarthiller :: looking towards Lustrafjorden and Eikjaberg
Molden top :: looking west towards Hafslo(vatnet) and far Jostedalsbreen
Molden top :: looking northwest towards Jostedalsbreen
Molden top :: looking north towards Gaupne and Jostedalen closed by Jostedalsbreen and Breheimen
Molden top :: top of the Lustrafjorden with far Jotunheimen
Molden top :: the panorama northeast -- Lustrafjorden -- from Jostedalbreen to Jotunheimen
Molden top :: the town of Gaupne, Jostedalen closed by Jostedalsbreen
Molden top :: the town of Gaupne, Jostedalen closed by Jostedalsbreen
Molden top :: the town of Gaupne
Molden top :: Jostedalbreen over Jostedalen zoomed
Molden top :: a picnic with the upper Lustrafjorden view
Molden top :: the upper Lustrafjorden view
Molden top NE edge:: enjoying the view
Molden top NE edge:: enjoying the view together
Molden top NE edge:: the obligatory photo
Molden top NE edge:: top of the Lustrafjorden
Molden top NE edge:: Krokedalen on the other side of the Lustrafjorden
Molden top NE edge:: Krokedalen on the other side of the Lustrafjorden
Molden top NE edge:: the Urnes peninsula
Molden top NE edge:: Lustrafjorden :: the ferry from Solvorn approaches Urnes
Molden top NE edge:: Lustrafjorden :: the ferry from Solvorn arrives at Urnes pier
Molden top NE edge:: the southern Lustrafjorden shores
Molden top NE edge:: Lustrafjorden top with Skjolden town and Sognefjellet behind
Molden descent :: looking south towards Solvorn
Molden descent :: looking towards Hafslo and Jostedalsbreen
Molden descent :: over Svarthiller :: Lustrafjorden :: the ferry from Urnes to Solvorn
Molden descent :: over Svarthiller
Molden descent :: Svarthiller :: Lustrafjorden :: the Urnes peninsula
Molden descent :: Svarthiller :: Urnes zoomed
Molden descent :: treeline below Svarthiller :: the panorama north
Molden descent :: the treeline below Svarthiller :: Vassdalsfjellet zoomed
Molden descent :: the treeline below Svarthiller :: Vassdalsfjellet zoomed
Molden descent :: the treeline below Svarthiller :: Jostedalen with Jostedalsbreen zoomed
Molden descent :: the treeline below Svarthiller :: looking over Hafslo valleys towards Jostedalen with Jostedalsbreen
Molden descent :: the treeline below Svarthiller :: looking over Hafslo valleys towards Jostedalen with Jostedalsbreen
Molden descent :: the treeline below Svarthiller :: looking over Hafslo valleys towards Jostedalen with Jostedalsbreen and Vassdalsfjellet
Molden descent :: the treeline below Svarthiller :: Vassdalsfjellet zoomed
Molden descent :: the treeline below Svarthiller :: looking over Hafslo valleys towards Jostedalen with Jostedalsbreen
- Austerdalsbreen, a side glacier of the mighty and huge Jostedalsbreen, hidden at the very end of Austerdalen, about an hour nice drive on narrow and partially gravel roads from the house.
Gallery (48 images)Veitastrandsvatnet road
Veitastrandsvatnet :: Langanestunnelen
Veitastrandsvatnet :: Jostedalsbreen in sight
Tungestølen road over Veitastrond :: Langedalsbreen in sight
Tungestølen :: starting the hike
Tungestølen :: starting the hike towards Austerdalsbreen :: looking up the valley
Tungestølen :: starting the hike towards Austerdalsbreen :: looking down the valley
Austerdalen :: reaching the National Park boundary
Austerdalen :: mountains to the east :: Kvitekoll slopes
Austerdalen :: the middle part of the valley closed by Austerdalsfjellet
Austerdalen :: reaching a small bridge
Austerdalen :: the middle part of the valley closed by Austerdalsfjellet
Austerdalen :: the glacier river of the valley :: Austerdalsfjellet
Austerdalen :: going up the valley :: Austerdalsfjellet
Austerdalen :: looking back from a ridge towards Tungestølen
Austerdalen bend :: a monument for the British adventurers on a small ridge
Austerdal :: the uppermost part of the valley with Austerdalsbreen
Austerdalsbreen :: the characteristic two tongues
Austerdalsbreen :: the glacier front with a lake
Austerdalsbreen :: the glacial lake
Austerdalsbreen :: the characteristic two tongues
Austerdalsbreen :: upper parts zoomed
Austerdalsbreen :: the glacierfall zoomed
Austerdalsbreen :: another glacierfall zoomed
Austerdalsbreen :: the juction of the two tongues
Austerdalsbreen :: the ice
Austerdalsbreen :: one of the glacierfalls zoomed
Austerdalsbreen :: the glacial lake
Austerdalsbreen :: the glacial lake
Austerdalsbreen :: the obligatory selfie on the side morraine
Austerdalsbreen :: the glacial lake lower end
Austerdalen :: going back towards Tungestølen
Austerdalen :: the small bridge (again)
Austerdalen :: one of the glacial boulders
Austerdalen :: one of the glacial boulders
Austerdalen :: Kvitekollen slopes
Tungestølen :: the new DNT tourist huts at the junction of Ausdterdalen and Langedalen
Tungestølen :: resting with a view of Langedalsfjellet and -breen
Tungestølen :: the new DNT tourist huts
Tungestølen :: Langedalsfjellet
Tungestølen :: Langedalsfjellet zoomed
Tungestølen :: Langedalsfjellet zoomed
Tungestølen :: Langedalsbreen zoomed
Tungestølen :: the new DNT tourist huts :: looking down the river valley
Veitastrandsvatnet :: Jostedalsbreen (Langdalsbreen) zoomed
Veitastrandsvatnet :: Jostedalsbreen (Langdalsbreen) behind