A short overnight trip to the protected massive of Grand Ventron (vel Winterau) in the Vogesen (vel Vosges) mountains in the still well felt specific atmosphere of French-German borderlands. But forget the imperial history of unnecessary conflicts and enjoy the nature recovering from the human influence in the well protected natural reserve, extremely precious in this thoroughly over-developed part of Europe. A natural forest — what more do you need for a rewarding trip?
Grand Ventron :: Sentier Robert :: Lac de Kruth
Grand Ventron :: Sentier Robert :: well above the Lac de Kruth
Grand Ventron :: Sentier Robert :: Nature Reserve boundary
Grand Ventron :: Sentier Robert :: Abri du Tal :: inside
Grand Ventron :: Sentier Robert :: by Vorder Bockloch
Grand Ventron :: Tour de Wolfsfelsen :: Lac de Kruth barrage view
Grand Ventron :: Tour de Wolfsfelsen :: Lac de Kruth barrage view :: a selfie
Grand Ventron :: Tour de Wolfsfelsen
Grand Ventron :: Tour de Wolfsfelsen :: Wolfsfelsen above
Grand Ventron :: by Brusch — a smal waterfall
Grand Ventron :: over Bockloch :: the power of gravity
Grand Ventron :: over Bockloch :: on the trail along the Winterau ridge
Grand Ventron :: over Bockloch :: the trail along the Winterau ridge
Grand Ventron :: over Bockloch :: the natural forest path
Grand Ventron :: 1871 German Empire boundary remnants
Grand Ventron :: blueberries fields nearby the top
Grand Ventron :: near the top :: blueberries in making
Grand Ventron :: le chaume
Grand Ventron :: la chaume — a high meadow on the top 1204 :: Grand Ballon in sight
Grand Ventron :: 1204 top :: looking south towards Drumont and Balon d’Alsace
Grand Ventron :: la chaume on the top :: Markstein and Grand Ballon in sight
Grand Ventron :: looking east towards Grand Ballon
Grand Ventron :: the ridge between Batteriekopf over to Lauchkopf
Grand Ventron :: leaving the meadows heading south
Grand Ventron :: the path south on la chaume
Grand Ventron :: the forest boundary west of the top
Grand Ventron :: heading south
Grand Ventron :: the view from the Tête du Chat Sauvage towards Kruth
Grand Ventron :: the view from the Tête du Chat Sauvage towards Druidenstein
Grand Ventron :: Les Winterges :: Abri
Grand Ventron :: Bourbach
Grand Ventron :: Bourbach scree landslide
Grand Ventron :: Bourbach scree landslide