The upper Nile between Aswan and Luxor is one of the classical tourist destinations. We made it in the best style on board of The Oberoi Philae Nile cruise ship.
The Philae is a very luxurious and exclusive Nile cruise ship owned by the renowned Oberoi hotel group. Actually, B. has won the trip during a workshop by Thomas Cook sponsored by tourist companies, a pure luck. And, everything was as expected, at its finest: spacious cabin, excellent food, smoothly organised trips with a personal guide. What a pity it was only four nights on a trip between Aswan and Luxor, in this style I would travel all the length of the river and back if I could.
After flying to Aswan and before embarking the ship we stayed at the Elephantine Island, making the next day an early morning trip to Abu Simbel almost on the boundary to Sudan finishing the day with the views from the Mövenpick Hotel tower. Next day, after the embarkation on the ship, there was time some sightseeing in Aswan, especially the famous Old Cataract Hotel and the Nubian Museum in the evening.
Then the smooth programme of the cruise evolved: the Philae temple of the goddess Isis, the Great Dam of Aswan, the double temple of Kom Ombo (Horus and Sobek). Next day began with the Horus temple in Edfu, followed a longer cruise downstream with passing the locks in the Essna Barrage and the evening visit to the Luxor Temple devoted to Amun. Early morning ferry brought us to the West Bank, we were almost the first tourists in the Valley of the Kings, visiting a few tombs, Tutankhamen of course, but also of the very impressive tombs of Ramses III, IV, V & VI (only here one can make pictures) as well as Tausert/Setnakht. We were ready before nine o’clock and visited on the way back to the ferry pier one of the tombs of lesser nobles, Deir el Medina, Ramses’s Medinat Habu and the obligatory Colossi of Memnon. In the afternoon a thorough visit to the large complex of the Karnak Temple — and a farewell dinner and the last night on the ship.
After disembarking we went shopping for souvenirs and finished the day with teh visit to the excellent Luxor Museum. (But this is another story.) The last night in a hotel on the East Bank was short, we had to catch a very early morning flight.
It was a very short week, but we managed to make a huge amount of pictures. No way, the last selection brought over 600 photos, divided into three galleries.
- From Abu Simbel and Aswan: Gallery (205 images)
Aswan :: arrived just before the midnight 23/24 November 2017
Aswan :: Elephantine :: waiting for the very first ferry to the other side of the Nile
Abu Simbel :: The Nasser Lake
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple :: a forming key of storks heading south
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple hill :: note a key of storks heading south
Abu Simbel :: a key of storks heading south :: formed a neat V-formation again
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple :: Ramses II colossi by the entrance, one did not survive an earthquake
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple :: two colossi of Ramses II, a kind of schisophreny?
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple :: the Ramses II wife correcly diminished, knee-high
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple :: prisoners Ramses II made
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple :: a symbolic relief by the entrance :: the Nil god Hapi
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple interior :: Osiris-like Ramses statues
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple interior :: a side chamber
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple interior :: a side chamber
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple interior :: a side chamber
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple interior :: killing the enemies
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple interior
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple interior :: an Osiris-like Ramses statue
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple interior
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple interior :: the chariot
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple :: the left two Ramses II colossi
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple :: front
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple :: the whole hill
Abu Simbel :: the Great Temple hill
Abu Simbel :: Great Temple :: front
Abu Simbel :: the Hathor temple interior :: the lady omnipresent
Abu Simbel :: the Hathor temple front :: Nefertete equally tall as her husband
Abu Simbel :: the Hathor temple front :: Nefertete equally tall as her husband
Abu Simbel :: the Hathor temple front :: Nefertete equally tall as her husband
Abu Simbel :: The Nasser Lake
Abu Simbel :: the road to Aswan :: a classical fata morgana on the desert
Aswan :: a Nile felucca in front of the Elephantine island
Aswan :: the town-side quai opposite the Elephantine Island
Aswan :: the northern tip of the Elephantine island, Nobles' tombs behind
Aswan :: feluccas below the Tombs of the Nobles hill
Aswan :: Mövenpick :: in the room
Aswan :: Mövenpick :: at the balcony
Aswan :: the Mövenpick tower :: the northern part of the Elephantine island
Aswan :: the Mövenpick tower :: Tombs of the Nobles area
Aswan :: the Mövenpick tower :: southern part of the Elephantine island
Aswan :: the Mövenpick tower :: the view of the city :: mosque
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: north
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: northeast
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: southeast
Aswan :: the Mövenpick tower :: the bar at the top of the tower
Aswan :: the Mövenpick tower :: before the dinner :: the view southeast
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: sunset
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: sunset
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: the town
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: The Oberoi Philae? Our boat?
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: The Oberoi Philae zoomed
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: sunset :: the southern part of Elephantine island
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: after the sunset :: the northern part of Elephantine island
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: after the sunset :: the Coptic cathedral
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: after the sunset :: the mosque
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: after the sunset :: the Coptic cathedral
Aswan :: the Nobles' tombs illuminated
Aswan :: the Mövenpick hotel tower :: townside
Aswan :: embarked The Oberoi Philae :: our spacious cabin
Aswan :: embarked The Oberoi Philae :: our spacious cabin :: a happy girl
Aswan :: embarked The Oberoi Philae :: our spacious cabin
Aswan :: embarked The Oberoi Philae :: our spacious cabin
Aswan :: embarked The Oberoi Philae :: our spacious cabin
Aswan :: embarked The Oberoi Philae :: our spacious cabin :: the bathroom
Aswan :: the crew of The Oberoi Philae :: a pause
Aswan :: embarked The Oberoi Philae :: our spacious cabin
Aswan :: embarked The Oberoi Philae :: the upper deck pool
Aswan :: The Oberoi Philae :: the ship
Aswan :: The Oberoi Philae :: the ship
Aswan :: the Coptic cathedral
Aswan :: the Coptic cathedral
Aswan :: the Coptic cathedral
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: entering
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel compounds :: the Nile boats
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel compounds :: the Nile boats
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel compounds :: the ruins on the Elephantine Island :: the Aga Khan Mausoleum behind
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel compounds :: the Mövenpick hotel tower in sight
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the desert view
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the Nile
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel compounds
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the facade
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the facade
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: Aga Khan's Mausoleum
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel compounds :: boats
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel compounds :: boats
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel compounds :: boats
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel compounds :: the pool
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the lounge
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the bar
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the bar itself
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the lounge
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the terrace
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: documenting the lounge
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the library
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the library :: books
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: the library :: books
Aswan :: The Old Cataract Hotel :: leaving
Aswan :: The Oberoi Philae :: turning back to the quai
Aswan :: a boat trip :: the Coptic cathedral towers
Aswan :: a boat trip :: approaching the cataract
Aswan :: a boat trip :: The Old Cataract Hotel
Aswan :: a boat trip :: the Nilometer
Aswan :: a boat trip :: the cataract rocks
Aswan :: a boat trip :: a felucca approaching
Aswan :: a boat trip :: a felucca passing by
Aswan :: a boat trip :: a felucca passing by
Aswan :: a boat trip :: the southern tip of the Elephantine island
Aswan :: a boat trip :: camel riders in the desert
Aswan :: a boat trip :: a felucca portrait
Aswan :: a boat trip :: the Kitchener's Island
Aswan :: a boat trip :: the Mövenpick hotel tower
Aswan :: a boat trip :: the Mövenpick :: our previous hotel room windows...
Aswan :: a boat trip :: sailing northwards
Aswan :: a boat trip :: feluccas by the Kitchener's Island
Aswan :: a boat trip :: camel riders in the desert
Aswan :: a boat trip :: the Nobles' tombs area
Aswan :: a boat trip :: the Nobles' tombs area
Aswan :: a boat trip :: a felucca portrait
Aswan :: a boat trip :: a felucca portrait
Aswan :: a boat trip :: turning by the northern tip of the Elephantine island
Aswan :: a boat trip :: town side
Aswan :: a boat trip :: a felucca portrait
Aswan :: on board The Oberoi Philae :: Daughter lulabys
Philae :: the Aswan-side boat quai in the morning
Philae :: the lake between the dams
Philae :: the temple in sight
Philae :: the temple pylons
Philae :: the temple pylons
Philae :: the temple quai
Philae :: the temple cat
Philae :: the Traian kiosk
Philae :: the temple pylons before us
Philae :: roughly destroyed reliefs
Philae :: the colonnade
Philae :: the entrace pylon :: killing the enemies
Philae :: ceremonial scene of the pharaoh pair with Isis
Philae :: ceremonial scene, Horus accepting a sacrifice?
Philae :: our personal guide
Philae :: our personal guide
Philae :: a procession with a barge
Philae :: offerings for Isis
Philae :: below the next pylons
Philae :: papyrus column capitels with Hathor heads
Philae :: the right pylon scenes, Isis, Horus and a pharaoh
Philae :: the Christians left their mark
Philae :: the Christians left their mark
Philae :: Napoleonic army graffitti
Philae :: Pharao offering scenewith Isis
Philae :: offering scene details
Philae :: Isis first, but the second lady... Nekhbet?
Philae :: a well-preserved scene, Isis and Osiris
Philae :: godesses and gods, Isis and Osiris
Philae :: godesses and gods, Nepthys, Isis and Osiris
Philae :: the god of the Nile, Hapi
Philae :: the devastation signs
Philae :: the devastated Isis scene
Philae :: the god Bes dancing
Philae :: Hathor with the cow's ears
Philae :: a baboon playing skills
Philae :: tha Bes portrait
Philae :: Hathor with the cow's ears
Philae :: ceremonial scenes with Isis in the temple interior
Philae :: ceremonial scenes in the temple interior, Isis and Osiris
Philae :: ceremonial scenes in the temple interior
Philae :: in a side chamber
Philae :: the snake goddess Wadjet?
Philae :: ceremonial scenes in the temple interior
Philae :: ceremonial scenes in the temple interior, Nepthys, Isis and Osiris
Philae :: ceremonial scenes in the temple interior
Philae :: ceremonial scenes in the temple interior
Philae :: the Christian altar with a tabernaculum niche
Philae :: the lake between the dams
Philae :: the temple guard
Philae :: below the entrance pylons
Philae :: watching over the temple courtyard
Philae :: the left pylon with the pharaoh
Philae :: killing the enemies
Philae :: the flowery columt capitels
Philae :: Herr Brehm's graffitti, 1851
Philae :: the Traian's kiosque
Philae :: the lake between the dams
Philae :: details in front of the main entrance
Philae :: the small Nile god being photographed
Philae :: the Nile god Hapi
Philae :: the Nile god Hapi and surrounding reliefs
Philae :: explanations about the temple recovery
Philae :: ctourist crowds at the boat pier
Philae :: the boat pier
Philae :: the Traian kiosque as seen from the river
Philae :: the Traian kiosque as seen from the river
Aswan :: the high dam
Aswan :: sailing towards the high dam
Aswan :: on the way to the high dam
Aswan :: the high dam :: downstream
Aswan :: the high dam :: downstream
Aswan :: the high dam
Aswan :: the high dam :: the Nasser Lake
Aswan :: The Egyptian-Soviet Friendship Monument
Aswan :: The Egyptian-Soviet Friendship Monument
Aswan :: The Egyptian-Soviet Friendship Monument :: overwhelmed
Aswan :: The Egyptian-Soviet Friendship Monument :: and above only the sky
Aswan :: The Egyptian-Soviet Friendship Monument :: the emblems
Aswan :: The Oberoi Philae :: back in our cabin
- From the cruise between Aswan and Luxor: Gallery (210 images)
Aswan :: The Oberoi Philae :: preparing to leave the town
Aswan :: The Oberoi Philae :: preparing to leave the town
Sailing between Aswan and Kom Ombo :: The Oberoi Philae central hall
Sailing between Aswan and Kom Ombo :: looking back to the Elephantine Island with the Mövenpick hotel tower
Sailing between Aswan and Kom Ombo :: the sun deck
Sailing between Aswan and Kom Ombo :: idle passenger cruise ships
Sailing between Aswan and Kom Ombo :: the bridge north of Aswan
Sailing between Aswan and Kom Ombo :: the bridge north of Aswan
Sailing between Aswan and Kom Ombo :: we allow ourselves an alcoholic drink
Sailing between Aswan and Kom Ombo :: the bridge north of Aswan
Sailing between Aswan and Kom Ombo :: the desert approaches the river
Kom Ombo :: the double temple -- Sobek and Horus -- pylon entrance
Kom Ombo :: a lot of cartouches with names
Kom Ombo :: flowery vestibule column capitals
Kom Ombo :: explaining the stone screen
Kom Ombo :: a Ptolemaic pharaoh with an assembly of Thoth, Isis (or Hathor?), Sekhmet, Horus and Khonsu
Kom Ombo :: vestibule columns
Kom Ombo :: Sobek
Kom Ombo :: Ptolemy and both Cleopatras, sister and wife
Kom Ombo :: Seshat and Horus
Kom Ombo :: hieroglyphs
Kom Ombo :: colours are better preserved on the ceiling
Kom Ombo :: a bovine detail
Kom Ombo :: cruelties described
Kom Ombo :: the pylon
Kom Ombo :: the pharaoh dealing with the double temple hosts, Horus and Sobek
Kom Ombo :: a Ptolemaic pharaoh with an assembly of Thoth, Isis (or Hathor?), Sekhmet, Horus and Khonsu
Kom Ombo :: among the columns
Kom Ombo :: another scene... Thoth and Horus in action with the pharaoh Ptolemy VIII
Kom Ombo :: a name cartouche
Kom Ombo :: the Nile god Hapi
Kom Ombo :: Ptah
Kom Ombo :: Seshat's rock
Kom Ombo :: Seshat
Kom Ombo :: the corridor behind the double temple
Kom Ombo :: armless and faceless defeated
Kom Ombo :: hieroglyphs
Kom Ombo :: hieroglyphs
Kom Ombo :: the pharaoh's lion taking a hand
Kom Ombo :: reliefs in the corridor behind the double temple
Kom Ombo :: hieroglyphs
Kom Ombo :: a pharaoh, Hathor (or a paraoh lady?) and Sobek
Kom Ombo :: a pharaoh convincing Sekhmet and Hathor
Kom Ombo :: Hieroglyphs? Sacrifices?
Kom Ombo :: the pharaoh and his wife and sister -- Ptolemy and Cleopatras
Kom Ombo :: flowery column capitals
Kom Ombo :: blocks with reliefs outsite the double temple
Kom Ombo :: Ra? and Sobek joined by two Horus falcons
Sailing between Kom Ombo and Edfu :: on the sun deck
Sailing between Kom Ombo and Edfu :: sunset
Sailing between Kom Ombo and Edfu :: heading north
Sailing between Kom Ombo and Edfu :: the view upstream
Sailing between Kom Ombo and Edfu :: evening in the cabin
Sailing between Kom Ombo and Edfu :: after dinner -- Egyptian sweets
Sailing between Kom Ombo and Edfu :: a surprise in the cabin
Edfu :: on the way to the Horus temple shaped by Ptolemaic pharaohs
Edfu :: preserved colours of reliefs
Edfu :: reliefs on the inner walls
Edfu :: the pylon entrance with the pharaoh smashing the enemies in front of Horus
Edfu :: Ptolemy XII smashes his enemies in front of Horus
Edfu :: the host, Horus
Edfu :: Horus, the falcon god
Edfu :: well preserved colours on the entrance ceiling
Edfu :: a relief with a ceremonial barge
Edfu :: empty cartouches ready for the new sponsor pharaohs names
Edfu :: forecourt with the colonnade
Edfu :: Horus crowned
Edfu :: palm-like column capitals
Edfu :: a carefully censored person
Edfu :: inner temple :: a pharaoh, Hathor and Horus
Edfu :: inner temple laboratory :: hieroglyphs
Edfu :: inner temple laboratory :: recipies and prescriptions on the walls
Edfu :: inner temple library :: hieroglyphs with recipies
Edfu :: inner temple laboratory :: a relief
Edfu :: inner temple :: a ceremonial barge
Edfu :: the sanctuary
Edfu :: the sanctuary
Edfu :: the sanctuary (originals in Louvre)
Edfu :: inner temple :: the censored penis of Min, embarassed Hathor, a pharaoh
Edfu :: inner temple :: Isis? and Min slightly censored, a pharaoh with an offering
Edfu :: inner temple :: censored Min confronting Osiris
Edfu :: inner temple :: Min (censores) and Osiris
Edfu :: probably Ptolemy XII and both Cleopatras, sister and wife, or are they goddesses?
Edfu :: the pasageways
Edfu :: passageways :: Thoth
Edfu :: passageways :: explaining a series of scenes
Edfu :: passageways :: Horus attended by Hathor on a barge with an attending pharaoh
Edfu :: passageways :: Horus barge and faceless pharaohs with attendees
Edfu :: passageways :: Horus accompanied on a barge and faceless pharaoh and his wife
Edfu :: passageways :: walls covered with reliefs
Edfu :: passageways
Edfu :: the forecourt, the entrance pylon
Edfu :: the forecourt
Edfu :: on the feet of Horus
Edfu :: on the feet of Horus
Edfu :: the host of the temple, Horus
Edfu :: photographing in the vestibule
Edfu :: inner temple :: a pharaoh, Hathor, Horus, Osiris, Sashet, Horus
Edfu :: inner temple laboratory :: hieroglyphs with recipies, prescriptions
Edfu :: the inner temple leading to the sanctuary
Edfu :: inner temple laboratory :: hieroglyphs with recipies, prescriptions
Edfu :: the inner temple
Edfu :: the inner temple columns
Edfu :: pharaohs in ceremonies with Horus
Edfu :: an antechamber with reliefs
Edfu :: forecourt with the colonnade
Edfu :: the entrance pylon with the pharai smashng his enemies in front of Horus
Edfu :: a street scene
Edfu :: a street scene
Edfu :: a street scene
Edfu :: a street scene
Edfu :: on board again :: another cabin surprise
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: leaving Edfu
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: passing a bridge downstream of Edfu
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: northbound :: desert dunes ahead
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: industry
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: a narrow belt of green fields
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: coffee on the sun deck
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: desert dunes just behind the green fields
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: a side branch
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: on the sun deck
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: desert hills
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: the unused pool
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: the desert reaching the river
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: the desert reaching the river
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor: :: encounter with a small passenger ship
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: the desert reaching the river
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: encounter with a larger cruise ship
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: encounter with a larger cruise ship
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: looking downstream
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: the Nile valley contrasts
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: a wilder part of the valley
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: the Nile ships
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: the Nile ships
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: in the cabin
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: in the cabin
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: approaching the opened weir lock
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: hawker's boats
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: entering the opened weir lock
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: entering the weir lock
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: the old weir
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: hawkers in action
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: passing below the lock gate
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: the weir crown
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: approaching the barrage lock
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: the left lock opens for us slowly
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: a bit off course
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: entering the barrage lock
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: fixing the ropes to stop the ship
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: waiting for the waterlevel to fall
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: the downsream gate of the barrage lock
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: the downstream gates starts to open
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: the downstream gates open
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: leaving the barrage lock
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: leaving the barrage lock
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: Esna locks :: leaving the barrage
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: the broad river
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: passing a pier in some town
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: The Oberoi Philae interior
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: The Oberoi Philae interior
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: the window view from the lounge
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: another cruise ship just passed by
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: just another encounter
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: a neglected ship
Sailing between Edfu and Luxor :: sticking one's head out of the cabin window
Luxor Temple :: the entrance pylon, the second obelisk is in Paris, Ramses statues
Luxor Temple :: the entrance pylon, the second obelisk is in Paris, Ramses statues
Luxor Temple :: the entrance pylon, the lone obelisk
Luxor Temple :: the courtyard of Ramses II
Luxor Temple :: a procession scene
Luxor Temple :: a characteristic stone screen with Ramses II doubled
Luxor Temple :: a characteristic stone screen with Ramses II doubled
Luxor Temple :: the pharaoh Tutankhamun and his wife Ankesenamun
Luxor Temple :: the colonnade of Amenophis
Luxor Temple :: the colonnade of Amenophis
Luxor Temple :: the colonnade of Amenophis :: looking back to the entrance pylon
Luxor Temple :: the Sun Courtyard of Amenophis
Luxor Temple :: the colonnade of Amenophis
Luxor Temple :: the colonnade of Amenophis
Luxor Temple :: the main temple :: a processions before Amun
Luxor Temple :: the main temple :: reliefs
Luxor Temple :: the main temple :: sacrifices
Luxor Temple :: the main temple :: meeting Horus and Amun
Luxor Temple :: the main temple :: reliefs
Luxor Temple :: sacrifices
Luxor Temple :: the main temple :: making pictures
Luxor Temple :: the main temple :: a procession barge
Luxor Temple :: the main temple :: pidgeons in the column capitals
Luxor Temple :: explaining the reliefs :: Amun dealing with the pharaoh's wife Mutemviya
Luxor Temple :: the main temple :: bringing sacrifices to the temple
Luxor Temple :: antechamber of the main temple
Luxor Temple :: the main temple entrance
Luxor Temple :: the colonnade of Amenophis
Luxor Temple :: looks like a family portrait
Luxor Temple :: Ramses statues in the Ramses II courtyard
Luxor Temple :: Ramses statues in the Ramses II courtyard
Luxor Temple :: the obelisk by the entrance pylon
Luxor Temple :: sphinx alley
Luxor Temple :: one of the sphinxes in the sphinx alley
Luxor Temple :: the entrance pylon, the second obelisk is in Paris, Ramses statues
Luxor :: another cabin surprise
Luxor :: dinner on board of Philae :: menu
Luxor :: dinner on board of Philae :: Australian beef carpaccio with poached egg, rucola and remolata
Luxor :: dinner on board of Philae :: Marinated avocado and tomato salad
Luxor :: dinner on board of Philae :: grilled beef tenderloin with garlic mash potatoes, winter vegetables and mushroom sauce
Luxor :: dinner on board of Philae :: Pan seared Norwegian Salmon with vegetables, orange and dill butter sauce
Luxor :: dinner on board of Philae :: Orange pannacotta with pistachio cream
Luxor :: onboard :: the program for tomorrow displayed
Luxor :: the cabin surprise is still there
- From The West Bank with the Valley of the Kings and the Karnak Temple: Gallery (215 images)
West Bank :: crossing the Nile at dawn :: balloons starting
West Bank :: crossing the Nile at dawn :: balloons starting, a bit higher
West Bank :: crossing the Nile at dawn
West Bank :: crossing the Nile at dawn
West Bank :: crossing the Nile at dawn :: in the middle of the river
West Bank :: crossing the Nile at dawn :: the West Bank pier
West Bank :: crossing the Nile at dawn :: cruise ships
West Bank :: crossing the Nile at dawn :: our ferry
West Bank :: crossing the Nile at dawn :: another ferry on the way
West Bank :: even more balloons
Valley of the Kings :: driving from the West Bank pier to The Valley
Valley of the Kings :: taking the tourist train to the graves
Valley of the Kings :: early morning :: at a tomb entrance
Valley of the Kings :: early morning :: at a tomb entrance :: let's go
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: the ramp leading down
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: the end of the ramp
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: a barge
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: painted reliefs
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: the sarcophagus
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: the sky on the burial chamber ceiling
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: the sky ceiling of the burial chamber
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: frescoes in the burial chamber with Horus falcons
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: hieroglyphs
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: back on the ramp
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses IV tomb :: just to remember
Valley of the Kings :: the sun appears, seven o'clock
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the ramp leading to the hall
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the Book of The Gates?
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the Book of The Gates?
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the hall :: the Book of The Gates
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the hall :: Book of The Caverns
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: both books continue all along the second ramp
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: hieroglyphs
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the burial chamber :: Book of the Earth or of the Day
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the goddess Nut, the sky and the Book of The Night
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the goddess Nut, the sky and the Book of The Night
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: smashed sacophagi of Ramses VI and V
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: frescoes in the burial chamber
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: frescoes behind the sarcophagus of Ramses V :: The Book of The Earth :: creation of the Sun disc?
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the Sun disc :: The Book of The Day?
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: some cruelties on ugly enemies
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the smashed sarcophagus of Ramses V
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the sky description :: The Book of The Night
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the smashed sarcophagus of Ramses V
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: The Book of The Earth :: creation of the sun disc
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: details
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: details
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: The pharaoh and Ma'at
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: details
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: another thoroughly described scene
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: gods barge
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: Sobek in action
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: burial chamber paintings
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: back in the hall
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: hieroglyphs
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: slowly turning back
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the hall
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: Nut and the sky
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: some dark dealings (Book of the Dead?)
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: brighter scenes :: The Book of Caverns
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb :: the upper ramp
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses V & VI tomb
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: godly reliefs just by the entrance, Hapi? Osiris? or just Ramses III? and Ra
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: the pharao Ramses dealing with Anubis and with Osiris
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: before the fresco of the pharaoh Ramses in company of gods
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: the pharaoh Ramses Ramses dealing with a god
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: the pharaoh Ramses and Ptah
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: relief details
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: the chamber with the ramp leading down
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: looking back the ramp
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: paraohs dealing with Osiris
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: Sobek and Horus, I presume?
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: a detail
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: a detail
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: winged Isis and Osiris meet the pharaoh
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: in the company of gods
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: paharoh with Ptah (right) and another god
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: Isis and Osiris welcome the pharaoh
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: a pharaoh and Ptah
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: Ptah
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: a pharaoh, one of the Ramsesses I presume
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: Nekhbeth? (the vulture goddess)
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: hieroghlyphs
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: the eye
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: a scarabbeus
Valley of the Kings :: Ramses III tomb :: just to remember
Valley of the Kings :: a tomb entrance, eight o'clock
Valley of the Kings :: going to the last tomb to visit
Valley of the Kings :: the last tomb :: no photos
Valley of the Kings :: leaving before nine o'clock
Valley of the Kings :: the deeper valley in full sun, quarter to nine o'clock
Valley of the Kings :: Tutankhamun's tomb :: no photos
Valley of the Kings :: the overall plan
Valley of the Kings :: waiting for the toy train back
Deir el Medina :: ruins of the tomb artisans settlement
Deir el Medina :: entering the temple
Deir el Medina :: a side chamber :: gods parade: Nepthys, Horus, Hathor, Isis, Osiris
Deir el Medina :: a side chamber
Deir el Medina :: a side chamber :: Amun, Hathor, a pharaoh, Min, a pharaoh and his wife?
Deir el Medina :: a side chamber :: a pharaoh, Min, a pharaoh, Osiris, Isis or Hathor
Deir el Medina :: a pharaoh bringing sacrifices for Horus and Osiris
Deir el Medina :: Hathor
Deir el Medina :: a side chamber :: a pharaoh before Amun and numerous gods behind him
Deir el Medina :: Hathor, goddess rock detail
Deir el Medina :: a pharaoh
Deir el Medina :: details
Deir el Medina :: details
Deir el Medina :: in another side chamber
Deir el Medina :: Osiris
Deir el Medina :: Ma'at, Thoth
Deir el Medina :: another side chamber
Deir el Medina :: Hathor
Deir el Medina :: explanations
Deir el Medina :: the entrance
Deir el Medina :: the entrance pylon
Deir el Medina :: Sekhmet
Deir el Medina :: writings on the wall
Medinat Habu Temple :: the pylon :: the adventages of getting up early
Medinat Habu Temple :: the pylon :: Pharao killing the enemies before Amun
Medinat Habu Temple :: the pylon :: killing the enemies on both sides of the entrance
Medinat Habu Temple :: the pylon :: killing the enemies to th right
Medinat Habu Temple :: the pylon :: killing the enemies to the left
Medinat Habu Temple :: cartouches with names cut very deep -- in order to prevent overwriting
Medinat Habu Temple :: the first courtyard with war scenes and victory descriptions
Medinat Habu Temple :: the first courtyard :: the pharao commanders
Medinat Habu Temple :: the first courtyard :: descriptions and pharaoh figures
Medinat Habu Temple :: a pharao figures repeated
Medinat Habu Temple :: the colours are preserved at best on the ceiling
Medinat Habu Temple :: cultic reliefs
Medinat Habu Temple :: cultic reliefs
Medinat Habu Temple :: a cartouche with a name
Medinat Habu Temple :: the second courtyard
Medinat Habu Temple :: the second courtyard
Medinat Habu Temple :: sacrifices for a goddess?
Medinat Habu Temple :: making pictures
Medinat Habu Temple :: sacrifices for goddesses
Medinat Habu Temple :: the pharaoh dealing with various gods
Medinat Habu Temple :: the pharao hand in hand with Horus
Medinat Habu Temple :: a deeply engraved cartouche
Medinat Habu Temple :: a relief of a barge -- a perfect setting for a throne?
Medinat Habu Temple :: massive columns
Medinat Habu Temple :: the ruined main temple
Medinat Habu Temple :: a bored temple guardian
Medinat Habu Temple :: the second courtyard
Medinat Habu Temple :: the defeated enemies by his feet
Medinat Habu Temple :: the pharaoh multiplied
Medinat Habu Temple :: descriptions of wars and victories
West Bank :: The Colossi of Memnon
West Bank :: The Colossi of Memnon :: the desert hills behind
West Bank :: taking the ferry back to the East Bank
West Bank :: taking the ferry back to the East Bank
West Bank :: taking the ferry back to the East Bank :: the Luxor Temple and cruise ships
West Bank :: taking the ferry back to the East Bank
West Bank :: taking the ferry back to the East Bank
West Bank :: taking the ferry back to the East Bank
West Bank :: taking the ferry back to the East Bank
West Bank :: taking the ferry back to the East Bank :: in the middle of the Nile
West Bank :: taking the ferry back to the East Bank :: The Philae in sight
West Bank :: taking the ferry back to the East Bank :: one of the East Bank hotels
West Bank :: stern of The Philae, usually hidden before passengers' eyes
Luxor :: The Philae stern
Luxor :: returning to The Philae
Luxor :: returning to The Philae
Luxor :: The Philae fake side wheel paddles
Luxor :: The Philae bow
Luxor :: next cabin surprise
Karnak :: the temple reconstruction in the service building
Karnak :: late afternoon
Karnak :: the yard just behind the entrance pylon
Karnak :: entering the great column hall
Karnak :: the great column hall
Karnak :: the great column hall
Karnak :: entering the great column hall :: the column capitals
Karnak :: the great column hall
Karnak :: the great column hall :: symmetry
Karnak :: entering the great column hall :: symmetry
Karnak :: the great column hall
Karnak :: the great column hall
Karnak :: the great column hall :: reliefs
Karnak :: the obelisk of Thutmosis and of Hatshepdut, the latter purposedfully hidden behind a wall
Karnak :: the obelisk of Thutmosis
Karnak :: the obelisk of Hatshepsut
Karnak :: the obelisk of Hatshepsut and the Moon
Karnak :: scenes on the outer walls
Karnak :: the obelisks from the ruined sanctuary
Karnak :: the lady paharaoh Hatshepsut in carefully censored, the gods Horus and Thot remain
Karnak :: Hatshepsut before Amun, censored
Karnak :: a lovely scene
Karnak .. pharaoh pair (?) statues
Karnak :: the Ach-Menu :: the view back to an obelisk
Karnak :: Ach-Menu
Karnak :: the obelisks of Thutmosis and (hidden on purpose) of Hatshepsut
Karnak :: the obelisk of Thutmosis
Karnak :: the great column hall : a statue
Karnak :: the great column hall
Karnak :: a statue of Ramses renamed to Pinodjem by the entrance to the geat column hall
Karnak :: a statue of Ramses (renamed to Pinodjem) with the consort
Karnak :: statues of Ramses renamed to Pinodjem by the entrance to the geat column hall
Karnak :: the second pylon leading to the great column hall
Karnak :: the moon above the first pylon
Luxor :: The Philae :: saying goodbye to our personal guide
Luxor :: lounge windows
Luxor :: coffee in the lounge
Luxor :: the final cabin surprise
Luxor :: The Philae :: the last night on board :: Bliss lullabies
Luxor :: late morning on the Nile
Luxor :: The Philae :: our deck fire exit plan
Luxor :: leaving a surprise in our cabin
Luxor :: The Philae :: the last selfie on board
Luxor :: a hotel room on the East Bank
Luxor :: the souvenir shopper paradise
Luxor :: the Luxor Museum building (another story...)
Luxor :: the last view of the Nile valley
A related post: Egyptomania (you will ber redirected).